Latest oppositions filed by Biomerieux, Inc.

This table presents recent patent oppositions filed by Biomerieux, Inc. against its competitors. It outlines key details of each case, including the patent title, filing date and the applicant. This information provides insights into the competitive landscape and highlights active disputes over patent grant within the industry.

Patent NumberTitleApplicantOpposition Date
EP3504003Silicone Based Pressure Sensitive Adhesive TapesAVERY DENNISON CORPORATIONOct 25, 2023
EP2230313Modular Compositing-Multiple Lot Screening Protocols For Detection Of Pathogens, Microbial Contaminants And/Or ConstituentsINSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, INC.Dec 23, 2020
EP1831692Rapid Microbial Detection And Antimicrobial Susceptibility TestingACCELERATE DIAGNOSTICS, INC.Dec 15, 2017